Thursday, February 01, 2007

Notes 1-31-07

Friday is Groundhog's day
just an ordinary day
Bozeman has the root Oz(Wizard of Oz)
Theme of class(if we don't already have enough)
How can the ordinary be extraordinary and
All the past possess the present

nar-root of sleep
narcissus the flower

Incident at Big Sky-woman abducted by mountain men

triple goddess-crone, mother, maiden
Google:kore, eleusis, mystery

gods are all around us we just don't see it.
doso: sorrowful---dolores-demeter-Lolita
Sorrowful women

All marriage is rape
We need a good nanny(Mrs. Doubtfire)
image of mother with baby on lap

Monday, January 29, 2007

Notes 1-22-07

Antigone buried her brother.
Agon:(agony) contest, battle b/w adversaries or relationship
Conflict b/w
1. Man and woman
2. Young and old
3. individual and society
4. living and dead
5. men and god(s)

ob-scene: off stage/scene

*The Tragiedain(sp.) Greeks couldn't talk about the present.
Comedians can do whatever they want.


Antigones- This will go over your head, better than under in many ways.
p.114 "The fistful of Greek myths..."
p.121 (important) the list of names starting with Antigone....
know these pages for first test p.231-277.

Antigone- memorize pg. 441-581
Simone Weil ( on cover)- French Revolutionary, religious mystic.

contact people for help if needed
and remember
play nice

Notes 1-19-07

Welcome to Classical Foundations of Literature with our leader Michael Sexson.

Antigone: memorize lines 441-580 because they are supreme ( and you will have less friend, but also a better person for it).

Originary- Back to the origins (it's a new word, sort of).

Get a copy of the Bozeman Daily Comical I mean Chronicle and see what's new and what's old.
What's old is more important than what's new.

You couldn't talk about anything in the newspapers so plays were made about things in the past.
Trojan Women- the class is framed in women.
Why do people think what's new is important?

Why is Elvis and Simone Weil on the cover of the books?

"And then you lose more friends"- M. Sexson.